There are few teeth-straightening issues that can’t be addressed by Invisalign. In this article we answer our most frequently asked question – How does Invisalign work? – to assist you to make an informed decision about this discreet, yet technologically-advanced alternative to traditional orthodontic treatments.
Invisalign clear aligners – worn 22 hours each day, gradually move teeth into their designed position by putting pressure on each individual tooth, via strong, custom-shaped plastic tray material. Invisalign has patented their treatment – breaking it down into the ‘3 Smarts’ – referring to the unique material used for their aligners, the features of the aligner system, and the technology used to plan to ensure teeth move most efficiently.
Every two weeks or so, we’ll change your aligners to a custom-made new set, shaped closer to your ‘goal smile’ and designed to progressively steer your teeth towards exactly that.
This is all dependent on the nature and extent to which teeth-straightening is required – however 12-18 months is the average timeframe.
Invisalign treatment can be used to correct various types of misaligned teeth. Each patient’s teeth will require a customised approach, but ultimately Invisalign works by the clear aligners guiding each individual tooth into its correct place. In most cases, tooth-coloured attachments are also bonded to the teeth, to ensure the attaching aligners are applying optimum force, yet are still comfortable. Our Invisalign software will advise where on each tooth to place these attachments – including the angle, to ensure efficiency, and in some cases an elastic band might also need to be placed between the jaws.
Common types of teeth needing alignment include:
Overbites, historically referred to as ‘buck teeth’ require straightening treatment as the upper teeth can wear away the lower teeth and eventually contribute to jaw issues, pain and relating headaches, in addition to causing aesthetic and speech interferences. Correction using Invisalign will often require added orthodontic strength via the attachments, ultimately pulling the front teeth back in line with the lower teeth.
Underbites – where the upper teeth sit behind the lower teeth – in addition to cosmetic presentation, can cause similar jaw difficulties and this situation can also be corrected by Invisalign treatment. I.e the lower teeth and jaw are realigned to sit underneath the upper teeth.
Crossbites are also treated by Invisalign – progressively shifting the teeth into alignment – removing the likelihood of tooth decay, enamel wearing, gum disease and jaw issues (if left untreated).
Open bites – which see the upper and lower teeth not touch when the mouth is closed (can be caused by thumb sucking, genetics,TMJ disorders) will typically require a stronger approach than Invisalign, but in minor cases can also be treated by these clear plastic aligners.
Crowded or crooked teeth are a common reason why dentists recommend Invisalign treatment, as without it, teeth cleaning is difficult, and tooth decay, followed by gum disease is likely to result. Remember this mantra: straight teeth are healthy teeth.
Gaps in teeth (sometimes due to size of teeth, size of jaw, or missing teeth) can also be treated by Invisalign – with the aligners gradually pushing teeth into their desired position. Without it, food and bacteria can get trapped in between the gaps and can cause decay.
Not sure if Invisalign will work for your teeth? The first step is to book a consultation and we will then show you, via our special technology, what your teeth and smile can look like.
Invisalign treatment is a popular teeth-straightening treatment due to its subtlety in appearance (clear plastic – pretty much invisible – no one will know unless you tell them!), and removable nature – you can remove them for eating, drinking, meetings, brushing and photographs. Adult braces – metal or ceramic are not removable, and significantly more obvious.
Invisalign, performed by our expert dentists will take you there.
Our TL Dental dentists have years of experience in this teeth straightening technology, our clinic is home to the most advanced software to precisely plan and monitor customised treatments, and, Invisalign is on everyone’s lips (or behind them should we say?) because Invisalign treatment works.
It allows for crooked teeth to be addressed as a busy adult or teenager, without compromising on looks, need for explanation, or having to field any inferences around ‘vanity’.
Your overbite (or underbite, crowded teeth etc, whatever your concern) can also be fixed, expertly, by us without you being financially disadvantaged. We offer flexible finance options, so you can go about your life as normal – subtly improving your smile, whilst minimally impacting your budget.
Because straight teeth are healthy teeth, it’s great to feel comfortable within your own skin (and in photographs), and, because Invisalign treatment has little impact on your day-to-day, with high reward.
To end, our TL Dental team is significantly experienced to assess and prescribe a teeth-straightening treatment plan for you. Invisalign with us also includes a free teeth whitening treatment – think of it as the white ‘cherry on top’ – complementing your beautiful, straight new smile. Book your appointment today, to find out more.